
Upwork stops working in Russia and Belarus. The service will be closed until May 1

Upwork stops working in Russia and Belarus. This was announced by the head of the company Hayden Brown.

The first steps to block the service will be taken already, and they plan to completely close the service in these countries by May.

How will Upwork be closed in Russia and Belarus

Initially, the service will not be available to new users. Over the next few days, Russia and Belarus will block the ability to create new accounts, enter into new contracts, and be visible in search results.

The company notes that it will give customers and performers time to close transactions and fulfill all their obligations. All this should be completed by May 1, 2022.

Meanwhile, Upwork will donate 1 1 million to support Ukrainians. The money will be sent to the non-profit organization Direct Relief International. In addition, the company's employees raised another 1 100 thousand dollars for humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

Upwork also promises to improve tools and create special programs to support Ukrainian freelancers, but it has not yet disclosed details about this.