
DataArt IT company stops business development in Russia (UPD)

DataArt IT company has condemned the Russian military invasion of Ukraine and stopped its business development activities in Russia. There she previously had offices in several cities. This is reported on the company's website.

In particular, they condemned this aggression initiated by the Russian Federation, and are now focused on helping their colleagues in Ukraine and the people of Ukraine.

"DataArt has stopped any investment, hiring and business development activities in Russia. We are still responsible for all our colleagues and will fulfill all our obligations to our employees and customers. We have always adhered to a strict policy of avoiding public contracts in Russia, so we only have contracts with private companies. Our clients oppose the war, just as we do," the statement reads.

As assured in the company, they made it clear that they will not work with anyone who supports this invasion, aggression and hatred.

How the company supports Ukrainian specialists

Now DataArt has created a humanitarian aid fund and allocated "millions of dollars" to help those who remained in Ukraine and those who have to rebuild their lives in other places.

"We will work without interruption to restore the flow of clients and projects to Ukraine and restore it to its proper place in the IT industry," the company assured.

They are convinced that the war should be stopped by those who can stop it, and business should and will work "to help the people of Ukraine under any circumstances."

UPD. In Russia, DataArt had at least three offices as of 2020: in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Voronezh. According to our updated data, the company employed a total of about 1,000 people in Russia. From now on, hiring new people in this region stops.

But the main production Forces of the IT company are concentrated in Ukraine-here it cooperates with more than 2,700 specialists. In addition, the company also has several offices in Poland.

Earlier, the IT company Andersen People announced the termination of its activities in Russia due to its war against Ukraine.