
Atlassian JIRA revokes licenses of Russian accounts-users

The Atlassian Jira task tracking system revokes the licenses of Russian accounts. This was reported by Chief Producer in Maya Wolf-Katz, who suffered from this sanction.

"Jira has revoked the license of our account due to the fact that it is Russian. The entire workflow of a huge team was built there. JIRA is used by literally all IT companies, I do not know how they will continue to work," she wrote on Twitter.

At the same time, Wolf-Katz published screenshots of her account, which indicate that its functionality is suspended.

Atlassian's position on the war in Ukraine

On March 2, the company issued a statement condemning Russia's military actions against Ukraine.

"We are shocked by the actions of the Russian government during the invasion of Ukraine. We condemn the actions of the Russian government and support Ukraine and its people in the struggle for their freedom and sovereignty. This attack is unprovoked and is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention. The targets are the Ukrainian civilian population, as well as public buildings, workplaces and homes — where people should feel most safe," the statement said.

At the same time, the company took a number of urgent measures, in particular, in response to Russian aggression, Atlassian suspended sales of all new software to Russia. The company also suspended the current state licenses of Russia, as well as licenses to certain Russian enterprises that support war (through cyber warfare, military operations or disinformation). This also includes third-party Marketplace apps.

At the same time, Atlassian then assured that it does not terminate relations and obligations to existing small business customers in Russia.

About supporting Ukrainians

Meanwhile, the company said it maintains close contacts with partners in Ukraine to provide direct and indirect support, which includes renewing subscriptions to Ukrainian subscribers.

"For clients who work in Ukraine, we create emergency benefits so that they can continue to work. Emergency concessions include everything from extending payment terms to providing assistance packages to Ukrainian customers, partners and communities, which include free access to our paid products," the company explained.

They also promised that they will transfer all donations of employees to relevant organizations through the Atlassian Foundation to help Ukrainians fleeing the war zone on the ground.

As you know, Atlassian JIRA is a task tracking system designed for organizing communication with users and managing projects. Developed by Atlassian in 2002. Available in two versions: cloud and server. Currently, JIRA includes three projects: JIRA Software (for developers), JIRA Service Desk (project support), and JIRA Core (project management), each of which can be purchased separately.