
Google stops registering in the cloud for Russians and launches new features to help Ukrainians

Google Cloud stops registering new users from Russia. Last week, Google blocked the ability to purchase ads on its platforms in Russia, but free Google services still work there.

"We have temporarily stopped most commercial operations in Russia. This applies to advertising on our resources and networks for all Russian advertisers; new cloud registrations; payment functions in most of our services and monetization for YouTube in Russia. Our free services, such as Search, Gmail, and YouTube, still operate in Russia. We will continue to closely monitor developments," the company said in a blog post on March 10.

Google is also introducing a new option to help Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons. Now hotel owners in neighboring countries can indicate that they offer free or preferential housing. Businesses will be able to indicate in search results and on Google Maps that they offer some kind of Refugee Assistance.

Google is also implementing quick air alarm notification systems for Android devices in Ukraine.