
For those who want to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the Ministry of Defense and Youcontrol launched the platform "people for Ukraine"

A platform for volunteers who meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and TRO has started working in Ukraine. It should unite and coordinate the actions of people who help the army and teroborona.

The platform is called "People for Ukraine" . The project was created by the Ministry of defense of Ukraine together with the analytical system youcontrol and with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation.

How the platform works

Volunteers register on the platform and they are verified through BankID, so that there are no risks of fraud and sabotage. Next, you need to indicate what kind of assistance the volunteer is ready to provide, in what volumes, where exactly, and how quickly. For convenience, needs are divided into categories: clothing, hygiene products, food, transportation, cash assistance, and so on.

Thanks to this information, specialists from the Ministry of Defense will be able to coordinate the work of volunteers. The platform allows you to automatically distribute aid throughout Ukraine to the places where it is currently most needed, and determine the optimal logistics.

Advantages of volunteering on the people for Ukraine platform help goes where it is needed. No need to spend hours calling, searching and asking what can be done. The platform's moderators know what is missing right now, so they" connect " people in a matter of minutes.There are no chaotic purchases. Centralized wholesale purchases relieve the burden on sellers and aid funds. This allows you to optimize logistics and ship aid in batches, rather than individually.Avoiding scammers. You can only log in to the platform after identifying and verifying the volunteers. Moderators of the platform from the Ministry of Defense reserve the right to refuse registration on the platform to someone who has not passed verification.The allowance must be transferred to its intended destination. Specialists of the Ministry of Defense coordinate the provision and receipt of assistance. On the site, you can view the status of the assistance you have provided directly in your merchant profile (request for assistance, confirmation of receipt, etc.).A strong community of Concerned Citizens. each of us is a drop in the ocean, but together we turn into a super — powerful wave that can cope with everything. The people for Ukraine platform was created precisely to unite all volunteers and their potential. Such a coordinated volunteer center will allow the Ministry of Defense to distribute aid efficiently throughout Ukraine, covering the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and TRO throughout the country.

YouControl is responsible for the development, testing, and refinement/improvement of the project. The security of the platform's data is guaranteed by the Ministry of defense of Ukraine. After the end of the war, the portal "people for Ukraine" will be used to distribute humanitarian aid for the restoration of the country.