
Rozetka stops cooperation with most IT specialists and does not pay full salaries for February and March. Employee comments

Rozetka has not paid full salaries to developers, designers and marketers for a month now. And the other day, the company informed the IT department employees that it was stopping cooperation with most of them. We don't have exact information on how many of them, as the company doesn't comment on the situation. However, we talked to several employees and tell them everything we learned.

Message By Vladislav Chechetkin

Vladislav Chechetkin, co-founder and co-owner of the Rozetka marketplace, posted a message on his Facebook page on March 16, where he said that the company is going through difficult times. According to him, due to the proximity of military operations to Kiev, there is no one to work in warehouses and process orders. There are also problems with logistics due to roadblocks in cities and on highways. Chechetkin also said that the company has closed many stores.

In the comments to this post, they wrote that the company disbanded the IT department, to which Chechetkin replied: "Unfortunately, in the current situation, we do not have the money to pay programmers. But we are making every effort to save the business and preserve our team. I really hope that we will succeed."

Reduced employee benefits

On March 25, rozetka designers team leader Maria Romanenko-Kosmolinskaya said on her Facebook page that the company informed employees about the salary reduction even before the full-scale invasion began. And in mid-March, it became known that the salary under the agreement will not be paid, but will be paid only for the hours worked. Next, Maria's comment.

A little bit of rozetka entrails:

I'll start with information, and then about emotions.

A week before the war, we were all informed that due to a decrease in sales (no one has officially confirmed this fact), we will be paid only 80% of our salary. The fact that this is not legal and not justified by anything, you can probably not write. Everyone who worked in the state under Ukrainian law knows this.

Also, all team members of the company were forcibly ordered to dismiss 20% of the team (there are four people in my team). The order seemed to be justified by the insufficient qualifications of these employees. Why like? Because such decisions should be made only by timlid, and only he can name the number, not otherwise. And when you are told to choose from a team of four people who are the weakest link, it is not a matter of qualification, but a simple reduction. Moreover, no one positioned this as a reduction, because then people need to pay three salaries and report at least a month before the reduction.

Then it was better.

War. The first day. The team is all in Kiev. Chats started rattling from 5: 30 AM — is there really a war? It's started.

Of the 20 people in the team, most remained in their places and continued to work. We spent the first day at computers. Then gradually people decided to leave Kiev in search of shelter. But even when moving, they were constantly in touch with me, answering questions and even trying to participate in work processes. Those who stayed in Kiev, for a long time ran to the bomb shelter with laptops.

When asked by the management about the type of work (paid/unpaid leave, or part-time), we received the answer that we work and are listed at work. Accordingly, the salary will be.

Only on March 13, everyone became aware that from the beginning of the month, employees will not be paid for work under the agreement, but only hours worked. At the same time, there are not enough tasks, but one or a maximum of two per day for the entire team. Accordingly, most designers, even if they worked, will receive up to 1000 UAH for the entire month. Tasks were distributed equally among all those who still had internet and access to a computer.

Also, on the first day of the war, the company announced that those men who went to the TRO and women who volunteered around the clock are listed at work and contribute to our common victory by receiving a PO from the company. On March 13, this fact was also denied.


In one day, my entire team, together with me, realized that there would be no money, at all or in fact at all. That two weeks of the new month have already passed, and the advance payment will not come, you can not wait.

That adequate communication on the part of the management can not be expected. And that no one will help.

The entire marketing department of Rozetka is in such conditions. Everyone needs to feed their families, send their wives and children into the unknown, support their parents, and help the army.

About legality.

It is illegal to reduce wages by 20% without written notice two months before the reduction and for the specified reasons.

It is illegal not to pay remuneration to people in the state and sole proprietors without notice of reduction, bankruptcy of the company or dismissal.

It is illegal to force people to be dismissed without a proper "exit" of three po's.

It is illegal to force employees to write a statement by agreement of the parties, just so as not to pay them an exit.

What no one expected was such an attitude towards its employees from a company that has earned a reputation for its slogan "Every time you need it".

No one thought that for years they worked for people who would turn away at the slightest hesitation.

We need our hard-earned money to survive now, to volunteer, to buy groceries for our neighbor. Pay us what you earn!

Vyacheslav Lopatto, Web Designer at Rozetka, also described the situation on LinkedIn. It also reports a 20% reduction in the salaries of designers and marketers a few days before the war.

The salary comes in, and instead of the 80% I expected to see, I only see 60% of the amount. It turns out that they decided to stretch the second payment twice, which they had to find out after the fact. Why can't you talk about it right away!

At a time when I hear from friends that their superiors offer them money help at work, they offer help with moving to another city/country. We have silence in our company. Our ICE tries to keep in touch with everyone, asks them to keep up to date with the country's movements, and so on. And from Rozetka silence, generally zero!

Over time, I start taking some tasks, I start doing my long-playing tasks. Calls with the team start, everything seems to start to return to normal a little, and then Rozetka says that the PO will only pay for working hours. Everything would be fine, but there are more than 20 designers, and tasks fall on average 5-6 per week, and each minute by a maximum of 40. Good savings on employees, isn't it?! And this news arrives in the middle of the month after at the beginning they said that the salary will be. Once again, the" dream company " announces changes at the last moment.

Reduction of employees

On March 29, we learned that Rozetka'S IT department employees received a letter saying that the company would stop cooperating with most of them. Below is a screenshot of this email.

In addition, we spoke anonymously with several employees of Rozetka's IT department.

Business analyst

There was this letter from Chechetkin. A few hours later, we were called. And they said that the situation is not very good. There is nothing to pay with and it is allegedly wrong to keep everyone and ask them to work for free. As soon as everything gets better, they will try to assemble teams again, but now they are suspending cooperation.

We left a small percentage, and developers were a priority. But they were also offered a third or a quarter of their pre-war salary. And we tried to leave the Universal "Soldiers". This is how it was announced approximately.

The leaders compiled a list of who they plan to keep and talked to these people, and the rest will be written by HR to coordinate everything in the papers.

And a week before the war, they made a call and said that they would cut off 20% of the entire company's salary and that everything would get better from April.

When the war started, they paid about 40% of their salary. And then they gathered me up and said that things were bad, there was nothing to pay for. If you can, work on a volunteer basis, if not, then no one will force you. And they said that there will be no payment of the balance for February and March either.

Android developer

In general, the work in the company was pleasant, there were no problems for all the time of work either in payments or in setting tasks. Approximately in February, most or all (I don't have exact information) Teams were asked to continue working, but with a reduced salary (there was no compulsion to continue on the part of the company). Those for whom this option was acceptable continued to work. Under these conditions, calculations were made for February. This decision is justified by financial instability within the company and in the market as a whole.

With the beginning of the war, the projects were stopped and the work was completely frozen (I don't have any information about some of the specialists, how many of them there are). Subsequently, information was received about the reduction of employees to a certain minimum number.

I don't know any more details. The situation is not pleasant, but in the current reality, this could have been expected, perhaps it would have been easier to do something, but these are my subjective assumptions.

Rozetka's reaction

We have been trying to get an official comment from the company about this situation for a week, but so far there is no response. If such a comment appears, we will update the material.