
Action Center.Business started working again in de-occupied Bucha

September 29, 2022 Action Center.Business in Bucha resumed its work after being under occupation and then recovering from damage. Now they will help restore local businesses and relocated businesses.

Action Center.The business in Bucha was opened in December 2021. Here entrepreneurs could receive free consultations, study and look for investors and partners. By February 24, the center received almost a thousand visitors, received more than 665 requests, conducted 435 excursions and more than 50 initial consultations with the created road map for entrepreneurs. We also organized 31 events in tax, financial, marketing and business areas.

After the Russian invasion on February 24, The Action Center.The business, like the entire residential area of Continent, where the center was located, was under occupation and was damaged, so it continued to work in an online format. It was restored at the initiative of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine and with the support of Visa and Caparol Ukraine.

"Ukrainian business continues to work even during the invasion, and at the same time our economy. For our part, we must create all conditions for Ukrainian entrepreneurs to develop and scale. Just a few months ago, the Action Center.Business was under occupation. He's working again today. We have a big goal-to build a country of entrepreneurs, and action.Business is an important part of achieving it. We quickly restore what is damaged, restore what is destroyed, so that we can continue to work, create new things and develop Ukrainian ones," says Mikhail Fedorov, Minister of digital transformation.

In addition to resuming work, the center has expanded its areas of activity. Now they help local macro-, small and medium-sized businesses recover, and provide advice on entering new markets. The center becomes a hub for businesses relocated from the country's hottest spots. Among the new areas of activity, psychological support for residents and educational courses for teenagers are also noted.