
"I know cases when a top specialist was called up to serve and sent to lay railway tracks," — director for industry issues N-iX on the mobilization of IT specialists

Last week, Mikhail Fedorov suggested not to mobilize IT specialists in the army. This caused a serious discussion in the community, as, in fact, the stories of it people about mobilization.

To understand the relevance of it mobilization, DOU recently interviewed representatives of the Ministry of digital development, experts in labor law and economics. And now Forbes has published an interview on this topic with Svyatoslav Kavetsky, director of Industry Affairs at N-iX. We publish the main theses of this conversation.

The IT industry is one of the few that has retained almost the same amount of work as before. She actively donates to the army and helps with expertise. Now IT has every chance to become the first industry in terms of foreign currency earnings. N-iX pre-evaluated which group of those liable for military service the company's employees belong to. It turned out that mostly until the fourth. 80% have no experience of military service and military specialty, have not passed the Military Department. The team has approximately 1,700 employees. The largest office of N-iX is located in Lviv, so most of the teams moved here. The company reported that after moving, you need to inform the military commissariat where you are registered about the move. No one is trying to avoid service, but I would like to see compliance with clear rules for the work of military enlistment offices.

"In Lviv, you can come, register and work in peace, no one bothers you. In all other regions, everything is somewhat more interesting. One area is particularly different, with the gathering of all people in the hotel and the delivery of subpoenas. This has happened, although not in our company.

Most of our contractors were not called up. They were simply registered, said: "Leave your contact details and continue working." But I know cases in other companies when a top specialist was called up to serve and sent to invest in railway tracks," Kavetsky notes.

As for the contribution to the economy, there are currently approximately 285,000 people in the Ukrainian IT services sector. According to the Lviv IT cluster, one IT specialist in Lviv creates three jobs (but you can count them differently). There are mechanisms that allow critical industries to leave a certain number of employees, rather than immediately send them to the army. If this is the case with IT, it will be useful for the industry that supports the economy. If you lose customers now, it will be difficult to convince them to return to Ukraine later. It is easier to maintain the level of service delivery and customers. Additional military fee of 1.5% of residents "Diya.City " did not cause resistance. The economy of war, providing the rear — important needs. If everyone is haphazardly called up to the army, you can easily break the industry. However, both companies and specialists are ready to help the state.