
The government promises to support the IT sector in times of war, in particular regarding the booking of specialists

The Ukrainian government is stepping up assistance to the IT sector to support its functioning during the war. Including in the issue of booking (temporary exemption from mobilization — ED.) IT specialists who are of particular value to enterprises, First Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of economy Yulia Sviridenko said.

At a meeting with representatives of the IT Ukraine Association, she discussed a number of issues related to the functioning of the industry in war conditions.

"We will help solve problematic issues in a working manner. In particular, regarding the booking of specialists who are of particular value to enterprises. Our task is to preserve and support the IT sector as one of the most dynamic and promising, which will be of great importance after our victory in the process of rebuilding Ukraine," the head of the Ministry of Economy stressed.

According to her, the state is interested in further development of the IT sector, which, among other things, has a huge export potential.

Recall that after the Russian invasion, Ukrainian IT enterprises retained 95% of the volume of contracts, that is, they successfully adapted to extremely difficult conditions. Another 77% of companies received new customers during the war.

As reported, the results of the IT industry are-2 billion for the first quarter of 2022. This is the highest indicator for the export of Computer Services in the entire history of the market.

DOU conducted its own analysis of problematic issues of mobilization and booking of IT personnel in Ukraine: what is the current stage of recruitment, whether internally displaced persons should go to military enlistment offices themselves, whether it is possible to change their military specialty, and so on.