
Luxoft's Ukrainian office is considering options for issuing digital nomad visas for employees relocated abroad

The Ukrainian office of the IT company Luxoft is considering options for issuing digital nomad visas (remote employee visa-ed.) for its employees relocated abroad. This was reported to DOU in the company.

In particular, they said that they have improved the conditions for issuing travel policies abroad for colleagues and their relatives. Moreover, for the part of employees who decided to temporarily continue their work from abroad, they provided support on the legalization and reimbursement of temporary residence in the chosen country. And also — the opportunity to work legally in Luxoft European locations, as a rule, under employment contracts in compliance with the legislation of the host country.

How to legalize Ukrainian IT specialists abroad

Currently, a number of states have introduced special tax regimes for foreigners, such as Non-habitual resident in Portugal or Beckham Law in Spain, which "can have a positive impact on Business Development at the beginning of opening offices in these locations." In turn, Turkey is implementing a Technology Park in Istanbul, which provides development preferences for its residents.

Meanwhile, specialists who have left for countries where Luxoft does not have their own offices continue to provide services under current contracts. The outsourcer hopes that the issue of tax residency of Ukrainians who went abroad due to the war will be properly resolved at the state level.

"At the same time, it is possible to legalize long-term residence and provision of services from the territory of a number of countries on the basis of digital nomad visas. The conditions of Croatia and Cyprus look attractive. In turn, Greece, Georgia, and the Czech Republic offer special income tax conditions for entrepreneurs registered under local legislation, which can also be considered as an option for Ukrainians who have chosen these countries for their permanent residence," the IT company noted.

Digital nomad visas are considered a remote employee visa that allows you to stay in the same country for a long time without going through the time-consuming process of obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship. A digital nomad visa is usually easy to apply for, and the process of obtaining it takes no more than two to three weeks.

About activating hiring in the company

The Ukrainian office of Luxoft assured that the recruitment process in them did not stop even with the beginning of a full-scale war. So, in March, about 50 specialists joined the company. At the same time, in March, more than 90% of candidates accepted the offer from them.

Currently, Luxoft Ukraine has 250 vacancies (DOU currently has 35 vacancies). From the end of March to today, according to the IT company, 150-170 new vacancies opened, some of them were frozen due to the war, and now they have resumed. By the way, they did not feel a sharp decrease in the amount of remuneration in requests.

The largest demand for roles is for Java (52%), DevOps (7%), C++ (7%), and AQA (6%). The company is also open to Azure Engineer, Data Engineer, IOS, and analysts. Moreover, about 28% are internal vacancies related to the development of the company as a whole and the expansion of the business geography.

"As of May, we already have a certain increase in the number of vacancies in Ukraine. First of all, this is the support and expansion of existing projects and the creation of a personnel reserve within the company," the outsourcer stressed.

Luxoft offices operate in Kiev, Dnipro and Odessa as of May 2022. In addition, for the convenience of displaced teams, there are new temporary locations in Lviv, Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Reni (Odessa region).

As you know, in 2019, most of Luxoft's shares (83%) were acquired by the American company DXC Technology.

Recall that on March 4, 2022, Luxoft announced its withdrawal from the Russian market due to a full-scale war in Ukraine.

On April 5, the company assured that Luxoft will not have any legal, operational, financial or any other ties with business in the Russian Federation.

On April 22, it became known that Luxoft International transferred the entire Russian share of the business to the IBS IT group, which belongs to one of the company's co-founders.