
Business community, in particular IT companies, call on Zelensky to immediately dismiss Getmantsev-open letter (UPD)

Representatives of Ukrainian business, including heads of IT companies, issued an open letter to President Volodymyr Zelensky. They demand the immediate removal of Daniil Getmantsev from the post of Secretary of the National Restoration Council and the Verkhovna Rada Committee on finance, tax and customs policy. This letter has already been signed by more than 2,000 heads of enterprises and sole proprietors.

Ukrainian businessmen explained that the purpose of their appeal is to draw attention to catastrophic mistakes or deliberate destruction of the Ukrainian economy by some current government officials.

About problems and risks

According to the community, now there is an important point that creates risks for business and forces about 10% of entrepreneurs to already relocate their business abroad. This risk, in their opinion, is created internally.

"Paying taxes in Ukraine requires 1.5 times more time than the global average. Smuggling, which is impossible without "protection". And the introduction of digital customs is surprisingly failing. They are trying to convince you of the need to raise taxes, or increase the state's share in the economy in order to increase the defense capability or care for citizens. but this is either a deliberate lie or a fatal mistake!"- entrepreneurs emphasized.

At the same time, they want to convey to the president an economic idea shared by most experts and Ukrainian business.

"Systematic (rather than temporary) tax cuts, deregulation, rapid privatization (except for Strategic Enterprises), reduction of the state apparatus — this is what will accelerate economic growth. Consequently, in total, the state will receive more taxes and the budget will be sufficient to increase social standards and the state's ability to take care of citizens," the signatories of the petition believe.
About the harm of Getmantsev in power

Entrepreneurs consider the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on finance, tax and customs policy Daniil Getmantsev to be the personification of a "regressive, populist socialist approach".

According to the business community, this official is a consistent opponent of Economic Freedom, a supporter of tougher state regulation and suppression of entrepreneurial initiative, which makes the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine impossible.

"Hetmantsev's scientific works and professional activities convincingly show that he is an active supporter of Marxist, socialist ideas and the Soviet way of life, an opponent of the market economy and related rights and freedoms that run counter to the interests of the country. Getmantsev's actions as chairman of the committee cause devastating damage to both the Ukrainian economy and its reputation," the businessmen are convinced.

According to them, Getmantsev's recent statements regarding tax increases have already led to the fact that many entrepreneurs have abandoned investment projects in Ukraine and are moving them to European countries.

At the same time, Hetmantsev's key role as secretary of the National Reconstruction Council in determining economic policy, including the policy of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, "will be a significant deterrent" both from the point of view of state interaction with Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses, and in relations with international partners.

What businessmen demand and offer
"We strongly ask you to immediately remove D. A. Getmantsev from the post of Secretary of the National Restoration Council and from the Verkhovna Rada Committee on finance, tax and customs policy and appoint people who share the ideas of progress and rapid development to these positions. Those who understand that the security of the state is also a capable economy," business representatives urged.

They also expressed their readiness to join the creation and implementation of the plan for the restoration and modernization of Ukraine, as well as to support the president in turning Ukraine into a real "European Tiger".

This open letter has already been signed by almost 2,300 CEOs of companies and sole proprietors, and their number continues to grow steadily.

Among the signatories are the heads of well-known logistics companies in Ukraine, such as the owner of meest Group Rostislav Kisil and co-owner of Nova poshta Group Vyacheslav Klimov, as well as IT Companies: founder of MacPaw Alexander Kosovan, founder of Ajax Systems Alexander Konotopsky, co-owner of IT Solutions LLC Sergey Khachinyan, co-founder of gamedev LLC Ruslan Nonka, etc.

You can join the signing of the petition letter for Getmantsev's resignation at this link.

UPD. Chairman of the" Financial Committee " of the Verkhovna Rada Daniil Hetmantsev responded to an open letter-an appeal from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses to President Vladimir Zelensky, who call for the immediate dismissal of the politician. His reaction-comment can be found here.

Meanwhile, the petition-appeal for the resignation of Getmantsev as of 23:30 on May 16 has already been signed by more than 6,000 heads of enterprises and sole proprietors.