
"All men liable for military service should expect a summons," - chief military officer of Kiev

The head of the Kiev City recruitment and Social Support Center (formerly the military enlistment office), Colonel Yuriy Maksimiviv, told TSN that all men liable for military service should prepare for receiving a summons.

"The summons should be expected for all male persons liable for military service under the age of 60. That is, those who are subject to military service."

According to him, after receiving the summons, the person liable for military service must arrive at the recruitment center to clarify biographical and accounting information.

This is the last name, first name, patronymic, family composition, home address, phone number, specialty, place of work, whether there are grounds that can give the right to a deferral from conscription.

"If it turns out that there is no postponement, then a medical examination is mandatory. If during the examination a citizen declares illness and confirms it with documents, then he is sent to the family doctor. He, in turn, directs to a specialized specialist. Depending on the final conclusion, a citizen is recognized as either fit, unfit, or only partially fit," Maksimov says.

When asked whether we will have total mobilization if Russia mobilizes a million people, Yuri Maksimov answers that we are at the highest stage of mobilization.

"We are now at the highest stage of mobilization. It can be either partial or general. Legally. There may just be a popular upswing. Such as it was at the beginning of the war — people went en masse to teroborona, created detachments.»